Selected SF/F Previews for 4/2015

I’m still catching up on SF/F previews. Here are the highlights I’ve selected from SF Signal’s April round-ups of new SF/F print media and new comics and graphic novels.

  • Mary Robinette Kowal, Of Noble Family. This is the final entry in Kowal’s Glamourist Histories, a Regency fantasy series about a couple from England and their use of magic to make art. I’ve enjoyed the preceding volumes in the series, and I heard about this one last year when two blog posts explained the lengths Kowal went to for accuracy in rendering Antiguan Creole English in the novel’s dialogue. Based on plot points in an earlier book, I could sort of guess how the protagonists would wind up in Antigua, and the preview confirmed it. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes out of all the historical research Kowal did for this book.
  • Kazuki Sakuraba, Red Girls: The Legend of the Akakuchibas. This seems to be a family saga with elements of magical realism and perhaps science fiction, because it extends to some time in the future. I see that the author primarily writes light novels (i.e. YA), and that may explain why the preview’s narration felt straightforward to me, uncomplicated in a way I associate more with YA than with magical realism written for adults. Or maybe it’s just a very clear translation. At any rate, the imagery was engaging.
  • Mira Grant (Seanan McGuire), Rolling in the Deep. When writing as Mira Grant, McGuire takes science fiction premises that strike me as slightly corny and blends them with the easy-going narration of an urban fantasy novel but also (most importantly) the plot developments that make it worthwhile. In this novella, the premise is that some cable channel has financed an expedition in search of mermaids, but we’re told from the very beginning that no one returns from the expedition. So what happened? I guess I only have to read 120 pages or so to find out.
  • Robert Charles Wilson, The Affinities. I wonder if Wilson’s latest might be an allegory about “taste tribes,” because it apparently has to do with society being transformed as people join scientifically-constructed voluntary associations of compatible personalities rather than sticking with their kin or school/workplace friendships. I don’t know, but regardless, the first chapter or so of this novel reads very smoothly, and although it’s no longer surprising in an RCW novel, one review promises some sort of twist.
  • adrienne maree brown and Walidah Imarisha, Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction Stories from Social Justice Movements. The preview for this collection only offers glimpses of two stories, but I like how those stories venture into standard subgenres (zombie stories and superhero stories) with representational concerns that are not typically in the foreground. I think I might prefer non-fiction for insight into contemporary social issues, but I appreciate seeing the tropes of science fiction as such get a new lease on life through association with new points of view.
  • Ken Liu, The Grace of Kings. Liu has published several notable short stories in the past few years, but I think this is his first novel. It’s an intriguingly ornate epic fantasy, and the setting is certainly interesting, even if I can’t guess from the preview how well the characters and story fill out.

Popular mid-to-late 20th C. innovative fiction

In 1998, a short fiction collection from Dalkey Archive Press titled Innovations: An Anthology of Modern & Contemporary Fiction included at the end a “A Highly Eccentric List of 101 Books for Further Reading” selected by the editor, Robert L. McLaughlin, and sorted by author. Below, I’ve re-sorted those suggestions by the log of their current number of readers on Goodreads multiplied by the square of their current rating (treated as a percentage). As usual, I’ve omitted the Goodreads data itself.

1. Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse Five
2. Jorge Luis Borges, Labyrinths
3. David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
4. Gabriel Garcia Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
5. Joseph Heller, Catch-22
6. Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
7. Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
8. Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of Night
9. Julio Cortázar, Hopscotch
10. Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler
11. Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow
12. Don DeLillo, White Noise
13. Paul Auster, New York Trilogy
14. Mario Vargas Llosa, Conversation in the Cathedral
15. Günter Grass, The Tin Drum
16. Georges Perec, Life: A User’s Manual
17. William Gaddis, The Recognitions
18. Milorad Pavić, Dictionary of the Khazars
19. John Barth, The Sot-Weed Factor
20. Raymond Queneau, Exercises in Style
21. Alasdair Gray, Lanark
22. Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses
23. Flann O’Brien, At Swim-Two-Birds
24. Angela Carter, Nights at the Circus
25. Manuel Puig, Kiss of the Spider Woman
26. David Markson, Wittgenstein’s Mistress
27. Richard Brautigan, A Confederate General from Big Sur
28. Thomas Bernhard, Concrete
29. Richard Powers, The Gold Bug Variations
30. José Donoso, The Obscene Bird of Night
31. Samuel R. Delany, Dhalgren
32. Samuel Beckett, Murphy
33. William Burroughs, Naked Lunch
34. William Carlos Williams, Imaginations
35. Danilo Kiš, Hourglass
36. Steven Millhauser, Edwin Mullhouse
37. Carole Maso, AVA
38. Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Three Trapped Tigers
39. Josef Škvorecký, The Engineer of Human Souls
40. Carlos Fuentes, Terra Nostra
41. Robert Coover, The Public Burning
42. Ishmael Reed, Mumbo Jumbo
43. Fernando Del Paso, Palinuro of Mexico
44. Alexander Theroux, Darconville’s Cat
45. José Lezama Lima, Paradiso
46. William T. Vollmann, The Ice Shirt
47. Janice Galloway, The Trick is to Keep Breathing
48. William H. Gass, The Tunnel
49. Tadeusz Konwicki, A Minor Apocalypse
50. Gilbert Sorrentino, Imaginative Qualities of Actual Things
51. Joseph McElroy, Women and Men
52. Nicholas Mosley, Impossible Object
53. Harry Mathews, Cigarettes
54. Alain Robbe-Grillet, Jealousy
55. Donald Barthelme, Snow White
56. Kathy Acker, Empire of the Senseless
57. John Hawkes, Second Skin
58. B.S. Johnson, House Mother Normal
59. Jacques Roubaud, The Great Fire of London
60. D. Keith Mano, Take Five
61. Felipe Alfau, Chromos
62. Marguerite Young, Miss Macintosh, My Darling
63. Paul Metcalf, Genoa
64. Stanley Elkin, The Living End
65. John Edgar Wideman, Philadelphia Fire
66. Claude Simon, The Grass
67. Rikki Ducornet, Phosphor in Dreamland
68. William Eastlake, Castle Keep
69. Gert Jonke, Geometric Regional Novel
70. Karen Gordon, The Red Shoes and Other Tattered Tales
71. Robert Pinget, The Inquisitory
72. Henry Green, Back
73. Edmund White, Forgetting Elena
74. Ann Quin, Tripticks
75. Coleman Dowell, Island People
76. Christine Brooke-Rose, Thru
77. Julián Ríos, Larva
78. Juan Goytisolo, Makbara
79. Michel Butor, Mobile
80. Carol De Chellis Hill, Henry James’ Midnight Song
81. Curtis White, Memories of My Father Watching TV
82. Nathalie Sarraute, Do You Hear Them?
83. Brigid Brophy, In Transit
84. Gabrielle Burton, Heartbreak Hotel
85. Severo Sarduy, Cobra & Maitreya
86. Luisa Valenzuela, He Who Searches
87. Piotr Szewc, Annihilation
88. Ralph Cusack, Cadenza
89. Claude Ollier, Mise-en-Scene
90. Susan Daitch, L.C.
91. Julieta Campos, The Fear of Losing Eurydice
92. LeRoi Jones, Tales
93. William Demby, The Catacombs
94. Alf MacLochlainn, Out of Focus
95. Eva Figes, Ghosts
96. Reyoung, Unbabbling
97. Osman Lins, The Queen of the Prisons
98. Margaret Dukore, A Novel Called Heritage
99. Wallace Markfield, Teitlebaum’s WIndow
100. Charles Newman, A Child’s History of America
101. Alan Burns, Dreamerika!

Board game rank change report for 2015Q2

On July 1, I compiled the usual stats on board games that have shown large positive movement within BGG‘s top 500 in the past quarter. Standard caveats about recategorization, new editions (etc.) apply.

Fast, positive movers among 'Board games':
188 (+180) Patchwork
189 (+131) Fields of Arle
356 (+144) The Voyages of Marco Polo
384 (+104) XCOM: The Board Game
387 (+113) La Granja
395 (+105) Orléans

Fast, positive movers among 'Strategy games':
150 (+350) The Voyages of Marco Polo
161 (+339) Power Grid deluxe: Europe/North America
243 (+257) Elysium
291 (+209) Eight-Minute Empire: Legends

Fast, positive movers among 'War games':
036 (+464) Star Wars: Armada

Fast, positive movers among 'Family games':
070 (+430) Smash Up: Monster Smash
112 (+388) Star Trek: Catan
158 (+342) Love Letter: Batman
172 (+280) Nations: The Dice Game
180 (+278) Loony Quest
211 (+289) Cacao
232 (+268) Le Fantôme de l'Opéra
237 (+263) Welcome to the Dungeon
280 (+220) Arboretum

Fast, positive movers among 'Collectible games':
038 (+462) DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Forever Evil

Fast, positive movers among 'Thematic games':
051 (+449) Star Wars: Armada
073 (+427) Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature
095 (+405) Specter Ops
098 (+402) Thunderstone Advance: Numenera
112 (+388) Baseball Highlights: 2045
147 (+353) TurfMaster
150 (+350) Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue
192 (+308) XenoShyft Onslaught
205 (+295) Kingsport Festival
261 (+239) Dungeons & Dragons: Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game
267 (+233) Article 27: The UN Security Council Game
276 (+224) Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King
280 (+220) DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Forever Evil