Board game rank change report for 1/2017-6/2017

Unfortunately, I neglected to run this report at the end of Q1—the first gap in many years of tracking changes in rankings at BGG. But better late than never I guess. Bearing in mind the usual caveats that new editions, reprints, games that are abruptly added to new categories, and so on can all have odd effects on the top 500, here are the games that showed substantial movement between January 1 and June 1, 2017.

Fast, positive movers among 'Board games':
006 (+494) Gloomhaven
063 (+437) Santorini
092 (+408) Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure
114 (+107) Captain Sonar
160 (+133) Sushi Go Party!
168 (+223) Dead of Winter: The Long Night
173 (+327) Pandemic Iberia
188 (+312) Anachrony
205 (+295) Inis
212 (+105) Onitama
268 (+232) Star Wars: Destiny
273 (+161) Secret Hitler
299 (+102) Cry Havoc
300 (+127) 51st State: Master Set
308 (+192) Smash Up: Awesome Level 9000
313 (+187) Hero Realms
324 (+176) The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
333 (+167) One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak
346 (+154) Evolution: Climate
349 (+124) Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu
370 (+130) Raiders of the North Sea
372 (+100) Imhotep
398 (+102) Agricola (revised edition)
400 (+100) The Great Zimbabwe

Fast, positive movers among 'Strategy games':
003 (+497) Gloomhaven
056 (+444) Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure
079 (+421) Anachrony
091 (+350) Pandemic Iberia
093 (+407) Above and Below
152 (+348) The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire
181 (+319) The Colonists
183 (+317) Hero Realms
192 (+308) Evolution: Climate
231 (+269) Smash Up: Awesome Level 9000
236 (+264) Yokohama
237 (+263) Aeon's End
254 (+246) First Class
292 (+208) The Oracle of Delphi

Fast, positive movers among 'War games':
043 (+457) Polis: Fight for the Hegemony
273 (+227) ComancherĂ­a: The Rise and Fall of the Comanche Empire
291 (+209) Days of Ire: Budapest 1956

Fast, positive movers among 'Family games':
003 (+497) Santorini
007 (+493) Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure
028 (+472) Stockpile
035 (+465) Paperback
039 (+461) Evolution: Climate
044 (+456) Smash Up: Awesome Level 9000
095 (+405) Junk Art
106 (+394) Kanagawa
110 (+390) KLASK
114 (+386) Hanamikoji
149 (+351) Fabled Fruit
154 (+346) Sagrada
228 (+272) Adventure Time Love Letter
248 (+252) Carcassonne: Gold Rush
249 (+251) Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia

Fast, positive movers among 'Collectible games':
011 (+489) Hero Realms
031 (+469) Mystic Vale
104 (+396) Warhammer 40,000 (fourth edition)
156 (+344) Phase

Fast, positive movers among 'Thematic games':
002 (+459) Gloomhaven
006 (+494) Arkham Horror: The Card Game
007 (+493) Mechs vs. Minions
148 (+352) Star Trek: Ascendancy
156 (+344) One Deck Dungeon
159 (+341) Pax Renaissance
176 (+323) Unfair
190 (+310) Mythos Tales
196 (+304) Masmorra: Dungeons of Arcadia
203 (+297) Black Orchestra
227 (+273) Beyond Baker Street
251 (+249) Vikings Gone Wild
268 (+232) Deep Space D-6